Mental Blocks you may be experiencing (I personally have struggled with every single one)
Compulsive adjustment of equipment and settings (mouse, keyboard, in-game configurations)
Early-game confidence loss due to perceived lack of impact
Heightened susceptibility to mood shifts caused by toxic teammates
Tendency to deflect responsibility onto teammates (victim mentality)
Preoccupation with teammates' perceptions of your performance
Fixation on round/game outcomes rather than maintaining present focus
Difficulty managing intrusive, overthinking patterns
Allowing scoreboard status to dictate self-confidence levels
Disproportionate emotional investment, where a poor game negatively impacts overall mood
Confidence depletion in clutch scenarios, exacerbated by perceived judgment of decision-making
Performance anxiety related to live-streaming game-play
Self-doubt when competing alongside or against well-known players
Stress Factors
Sweaty palms
Trembling hands
General sweating
Over-use of toliet
Lump in throat
excessive coldness
Worrisome thoughts
Winning / losing outcomes
Coach / Crowd perceptions
Player / Teammate perceptions
Family members adding pressure / stress
Job Security
Lack of clear thinking
Inability to sleep
Poor decision making